Many schools and colleges come to us in the autumn for a teambuilding day, often bringing their whole new sixth form intake at once. One consortium bring over 400 students every year! So why do they go through the apparent hassle of doing this? From our research and talking to teachers, the main benefits seem to be connected with increased social cohesion, particularly where students come from different 11-16 institutions or where an intake of new students comes into an established sixth form. Brighton University Business School have brought their First Year undergraduates to us for the last 15 years, and they say it has lowered their dropout rate for the first year as students often feel very lonely. The event ensures that they are introduced to new friends shortly after arriving at uni, and always have someone they know to talk to.

If you are interested, please check out our Sixth Form Induction page, or easily the best way for us to show you how the days work is for you to view this video, which if nothing else contains a great line from Paul Morley at the end!