TrekCo Research

We like to be active participants in our sport, and TrekCo have always had a bit of a connection with the south-west of the USA. We have organised hiking, climbing and biking trips there for staff and the...
Party in Deers Leap Cafe

Parties all Year Round

Birthdays arrive when they arrive, and at TrekCo we are used to organising parties whatever the weather. Today we had a tunnelling party with a chilly group of young people making full use of the underfloor...
It's tough being an outdoor instructor

Working Outdoors is Tough

This view in the Peak District shows clearly the rigours of working in the great outdoors; waiting for groups at the top of hills is arduous, but has to be done. The flask is needed for the grim conditions to...

A Golden DofE Summer

We've had a great summer of Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions, culminating in several groups participating in the Gold Award Expeditions in the Lake District in late August. The Gold Award is the flagship...

Gold DofE in the Lake District

Last week saw 17 participants take part in the Gold DofE Expedition in the Lake District, based in Langdale. Working with two MIAs and two MLs, the groups all did well and actually found their way around their...

Trainees Get Wet!

Every year at TrekCo we take on a crack team of new trainee outdoor instructors. They come to us for four months during which time they go to the Peak District, North Wales, the Lake District and the Alps as...