Take Care of Your Feet on DofE! Steve Ranger January 9, 2022 Blog, D of E, Outdoor stuff, Technical Of all the things that go wrong on our Gold DofE expeditions in the Lake District and the Peak District, issues connected with feet are right up there at the top of the list! Most people don't have these...
What3Words Steve Ranger August 10, 2019 Latest News, Technical For the last couple of years the 'latest thing' in locating yourself, especially if you want to give a really accurate position to the emergency...
Making Great Climbing Gear Steve Ranger March 23, 2014 Outdoor stuff, Technical Recently TrekCo went on a tour of the DMM factory in North Wales where they have the world's most advanced facilities for making climbing hardware. It's a fascinating process which you can see...
New Recall for Via Ferrata Sets TrekCo February 25, 2013 Technical Following several recalls of Via Ferrata sets from various manufacturers over the last year or two, the UIAA has issued a notice about friction type sets. There is a danger of failure and death from the use of...
New Guidance on Outdoor Visits TrekCo June 7, 2012 Outdoor Education, Technical The Government have withdrawn their advice for organising offsite visits for schools, known as HASPEV. They haven't replaced this, so the Outdoor Education Advisors Panel have published a new website, free to...
Knots App for iPhone TrekCo November 24, 2010 Outdoor stuff, Technical We're always looking for new things at TrekCo, and came across this new App - Knot Guide. Just search in 'Utilities' if you're interested. Before this we've also recommended www.animatedknots.com as a...