One of the reasons some people have problems on their DofE expedition is boot disaster. It’s not always catastrophic boot failure like this, but it happens at least once a month – don’t let it be you!

So what can you do to avoid this sort of epic boot fail happening to you? Top tips from TrekCo’s DofE Assessor Team:

  1. Don’t use those boots your parents are offering you that they used 20 years ago – they’ll fall to pieces. We often see this – the boots that have sat in the garage are a good fit and look OK, but the glue has gone off a long time ago and after a few walks they simply fall apart!
  2. Bring gaffer tape – just in case… you won’t need much, but even this is better than the sole of your boot flapping in the wind…
  3. Make your spare shoes trainers that you could walk in if necessary. Sliders, Crocs, flip flops and Converse are no use for walking, but trainers will often at least get you through a day with care. They’ll be comfortable around the campsite too.
  4. Wear your boots in before you come. You don’t need to go on long walks in the country, but we often see spanking new boots that have clearly just come out of the box. You’re asking for trouble! Your feet need to get used to your boots.
  5. Avoid those boots you wore a couple of years ago but will still ‘do’. If they’re even a bit tight now, they won’t!

We’ll send you a full kit list before your Open DofE Expedition, whether it’s in the Lake District or the Peak District – and if you need any boot or other DofE expedition kit advice, give us a call.

We’ll be writing about a whole other subject of ‘taking care of your feet’ soon – a science in itself!