Risk Assessments
Edale Valley, Peak District
Risk and Outdoor Activities
It’s important to remember that all outdoor activities involve some level of risk. Risk can’t be eliminated, but as an outdoor company it’s our job to minimise risk and make sure that students enjoy their activities in the safest possible way. There’s no such thing as zero risk, so it’s important to relay to parents that their children will be taking part in possibly hazardous activities – but that these are of course managed and supervised appropriately.
Risk Assessments
Our Risk Assessments are available to download here.
Please note we have only included here those documents that schools might require. Should you need further information please contact us.
These Risk Assessments are in one of the formats suggested by the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority. They do not contain the numeric grading of risk which used to be used by some authorities as these are highly subjective and nowadays being used less – we do have such a version so please contact us if you need one.
Risk Assessments – Important Note
Many schools now are asking us to send them a copy of our Risk Assessments. These are online, above. Schools usually ask for this as they think they need them for their LEA. However, the job of the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority is (amongst other things) to inspect our Risk Assessments and procedures. This work is therefore something that has already been done by a Government agency. In addition, the LEA is not usually asking for these Risk Assessments.
The ‘Risk Assessment’ that schools are required to do is not a detailed assessment of each activity, as teachers are not generally experts in these outdoor activities. The school’s Risk Assessment should simply state that the risk of outdoor activities has been controlled by the measure of appointing a verified outdoor provider licensed by AALA – the activities themselves are covered by our own Risk Assessments.
We are of course happy to provide this information (it is published above), but it might be worth considering the following:
Some experts are of the opinion that by seeing our Risk Assessments a school is accepting a part of the legal responsibility for them, and thereby becomes partly liable in law should anything covered by them go wrong. This is probably connected with the principle that the school becomes cognisant of the risks involved, and if you are asking to see the assessments it is assumed that you have read and understand and accept everything in them; and with the best will in the world people from one industry will not usually be able fully to understand the intricacies of another.
Please note that we are not legally trained of course; however this point deserves some thought and you need to be informed before looking at the Risk Assessments.