Contact Us
Feel free to call anytime - our number is 01273 487509. Hopefully everything you need will be here on the website, but we have real people to answer the phone and they’re happy to talk to you!
If you’d rather email us, please email:
Office Opening Hours:
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Important stuff or urgent queries: Anytime, although during out of office hours we might not have access to all of our databases and specific information about your booking.
Emergencies: anytime, 24/7
Telephone Number:
+44 1273 487509
Email Address:
Office Postal Address:
Trekking Company Limited, Cranford House, Kingston Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 3NB.